What is this field

No single word can capture all aspects of the field in which we work. The DISARM Framework supports efforts to reduce harms from activities such as ‘IO’ (influence operations), ‘IM’(information manipulation), ‘FIMI’ (foreign ‘IM’ and interference), ‘FMI’ (foreign malign influence) or ‘IIO' (illicit influence operations), among other terms and spheres.

We will continue to work with our colleagues in the wider community of practice on definitions, as collaboration and convergence is at the very heart of what the DISARM framework exists to do.  We aim to play our part in helping the community speak a common language, so that we are all more effective in the goals we share.

State actors seek geo-political advantage; others seek financial gain; others disrupt and damage our collective security, democracy or health for notoriety or being caught under the influence of cult-like conspiracy theories.  None of the above is new, but the internet is enabling the spread and hyper-targeting of disinformation at an unprecedented scale. This field and these threats comprise a fundamental issue for humankind. They undermine our ability to collectively address other existential challenges. They require urgent and effective collective action.